Montag, 10. November 2008


I wrote a long blog about this, but I think I can make this short as well. You can thank me later for it.

Basicaly - I dont like sex all that much. At least in comparison to the people that talk about how awsome sex is all the time. Sometimes I feel the need to say "Hey, all fine and dandy with me, but for me its different." Maybe another windmill I am fighting, but who cares why my intentions are.

One thing I hate about sex is that it is so fetishisised in our "culture".

Almost like "I fuck, therefore I am."

The more you fuck, the better your sex is, the more extravagant your places of intercourse are, etcetera, the better.

The other thing, and this is what this blog is/should be about is that you have to be so god-damn serious while having sexual intercourse. Well at least 4/5 of my long-time sexual partners (4 weeks and up) where like that.

I dont blame them, if they need to be in a certain mood to enjoy sex than thats the way it is, on the other hand me being the ADDish guy I am this has to lead to complications, at least for me.

If the average person has sex, they think about sex and if they dont well they at least dont let their partner feel that - or at least thats what I am thinking (correct me if I am wrong). The problem I am having is that when I am having sex, its like any other thing I do. My head doesnt stop to multitask. I think about this, I think about that and then I feel the urge to share all of this with the person right infront of me (or at least my closer vincinity.

So I am stuck in the worst position imaginable for me: Knowing I am not allowed to do something but feeling the urge to do it regardless of what is "proper" for the situation. In public - I sometimes feel the nead to swear (and swear a lot) and this gets worse and worse and worse. While having sex, on the other hand, I feel the need to talk about one of my random bullshit theories, a joke I just remembered or a story I just recently heard and every passing second this urge to tell that gets stronger and stronger and stronger. Sadly thats not the worst part of this.

The idea of how uncalled for it would be, to tell a joke (for example) while having sharing such an intimate moment amuses me to no end and when something amuses me I start to laugh, regardless of how uncalled for that might be.

End-Result: 2 out of 3 times while having sexual intercourse with someone I like and want to share my ideas with, I start to laugh uncontrollably. Usualy ruining the potential positive experience the other person may or may not have. Wich results in me violating the sacred act of sexual intercourse with satanic laughter and being a blasphemer in our time and age of the allmighty sex-religion (as mentioned as the first thing that anoys me about sex).

Blog to you laterz!

Poem 2

Adjective November

Polluted Snow
Cold Wheater
Sneezing Nostril

Donnerstag, 6. November 2008

Introduction to Poems + Poem 1

I have been writing a lot latley. Guess that happens if you run out of good books and are more or less sleep & inernet-deprived. That or you get a job or get drunk. I will post some for my and potentialy your enjoyment here. One after another, mixed with my usual crap.

Anyway, I sent some stuff to a schoolmate who already published a few books and won two prices with her writing in the hopes for her "insight" and some sugesstions. As much as I like her, she didnt get the point and so her insight and suggestions where moot. The only thing I learned and one of the things she suggested was to "come to the point" and be more "concrete".

I wrote her a poem and sent it to her. It was very concrete.
This is the poem I just sent her, and its my most recent one - enjoy!

Results for the 45 Week of 08
Obama : McCain - 364 : 162
Capitalism : Communism - 185 : 8
World : Matthias - 10058 : 0
Art : Crap - 0 : 1

Mittwoch, 5. November 2008


Yeah folks,
we here at bwhahrhrs watched the elections just like any one of you,
eventhough or at least very plausible with a diffrent focus. It all started a while back when a, so called, friend of mine sent me a link to a video on the internet.
It, the video, opened my eyes.
It completly changed the way I felt (at that moment and from that moment on).

Similar to a kid the second after waking up and realising "ITS CHRISTMAS!", just the reverse version of it. At least - I realised something. I felt something other than boredom.

I was frightned, I was shocked and still couldnt look away from the screen,
eventhough my whole bodey was revolting and hurting realy realy bad.
It was gruesome, it was vile, it was horrible.

Yep, you guessed it. It was a clip from a porn staring a Sarah Palin lookalike and to be quite honest I laughed for hours like a histerical hyena.

Thank you, that is all I have to say for now.
Hugs to my homies!

Montag, 3. November 2008

Hello. attn: depressing Blargomatic shipment of vile thoughts ahaed

Hello dear internet inhabitant, especialy those of you located near belgium, great britain and two or three spots in the U.s. or China. Yes, yes, I am alive - obviously (pronounced in the most anoying way possible) - and I hope my uncommented & documented absent isnt worring you.

I am currently and constantly fed up with the internet and every second I spend on it makes this worse.

Social or human interaction especialy and dont you dare to think I think lowly of you, at least if we know each other a bit.

Its the combination of being unable to befriend people in my "real life" but on the other hand that I met so wonderfull people here on the internet, especialy youtube that shows me this and what I am missing.

You could say that I am too hard on people the first time I meet them, that I am too neurotic myself, that my expectations for them and myself are too high and all of these things are true but not my reason for doing so. I have over come those several times and if I want to I can.

But sadly thats not the problem I am having, as already said (or written if you have to be anal about that like me). Its the same reason why I stoped posting youtube videos several times and now again. I percive myself as being full with negativity and I dont want to spill that on other people, (the exact same thing I am doing right now) but thats what would happen if I open my mouth currently. I find political happenings depressing, economic things worring, my possibilities boring and my future life anticlimatic. In short: I live in a world where I am deprived of 99,9.....% of the stuff I want and need.

I broke up with my girlfriend (Lisa - remember from Jannuary) in march and then april, on my birthday again - for cheating on me a gazillion time eventhough she warned me even more often that this would happen, but not for her cheating on me, but the fact that my jealousy was eating me alive and I was shocked by that and couldnt take it. Now she is in vienna again, for quite some time actualy - we both are still in love I guess. That would be tragic alone, but the worst thing about this is she was the only person I was able to open up to without being treated like a little infant but still feeling "save" i.e. not poisoning their life with my vile thoughts, as she shared my view of this world.

We had some kind of "we make it through this" mentality wich - obviously - made me feel alive for the first time in years. To those who think "Ahhh, he was just in love" that migth be true but to be honest, I often was in love with equaly wonderfull woman and still feeling the way I do currently and that, to be quite honest, takes away almost all joy of falling in love. Just think about it, you meet someone wonderfull you adore and the only thing you can "give" them is a horrible pitch black view of your future and the future of this planet/world/humanity. Thats not a very pleasant thing to present as a "relationship-portion".